Caring for Braces
Strongsville Dental Blog - Caring for your Braces
By selecting an orthodontic treatment, such as braces, you are making an investment not only in improving the appearance, but also the health of your smile. Braces assist with correcting misalignment, leading to straighter teeth with improved dental function. Your return on investment with braces, whether traditional or clear, depends heavily on practicing good dental hygiene, even more so than recommended oral health habits.The more attentive you are to your braces while you wear them, the more effective they can be and improve oral health conditions after treatment.
Proper Care for your Braces
No matter the orthodontic appliance you wear, daily brushing and flossing is essential. The ligatures, brackets, and other architecture of braces create pockets where food particles can get trapped, causing plaque buildup if left unmanaged. Brushing after every meal, rinsing with mouthwash, and flossing at least once a day keep a more hygienic space for your orthodontic treatment to operate. While maintaining this cleaning schedule may add more time to your daily routine, it is significantly faster than treating the serious oral health issues, delayed efficacy of tooth movement, or unsightly stains that can result from neglect. The following advice can help you provide proper care for your braces:
Traditional Braces Care
Brushing after every meal, including snacks, reduces the chance of food getting stuck in the spaces between your braces and your teeth. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste for the best results. When flossing, thread the floss underneath the wiring of your braces to remove loose food and plaque. An electric waterpik, airflosser, or floss brushes may be recommended as alternatives if you have difficulty properly flossing around the brackets. With any of these care options, be gentle to avoid damaging your braces as well as your teeth.
Clear Braces Care
Clear orthodontic options, like Invisalign®, require special care to protect both the aligners and your teeth from bacterial growth. The following are a few tips for optimal clear braces care:
- Remove your aligners before each meal or snack.
- Whenever removed, store your aligners where they are not exposed to natural bacterial contaminants.
- Avoid acidic and dark beverages while wearing the aligners as these cause staining and discoloration.
- Brush and floss your teeth before reinserting your aligners.
- Rinse your aligners each time you remove them.
- Use clear, anti-bacterial soap to clean your aligners. Colored soaps can change the shade of your aligners.
With diligent care, your Invisalign® clear braces will be a near-transparent, sanitary solution for teeth alignment.
Contact Us for Orthodontic Care in Strongsville
For more information regarding clear or metal braces care, contact our Strongsville dental office today. We can set you up for an orthodontics consultation with Dr. Richard Weiser to review your options.
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